SAOA Centennial Conference: A Tradition of Excellence- Continued ( Opening Ceremony)

In 1924, a small group of dedicated eye health practitioners came together and founded the South African Optical Association (at the time), to provide a home for Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians, to promote eye health and vision care, and address the professional needs of members. In addition, the intent was, and continues to be, to attain the highest level of eye health and visual well-being for all South Africans.

To commemorate the 100-year anniversary of the South African Optometric Association (SAOA), the SAOA Centennial Celebration Conference, was held at Emperors Palace, Ekurhuleni, on 18,19, and 20 of July. Almost eight hundred delegates attended the SAOA Centennial Celebration Conference which included optometrists, Dispensing Opticians, students, and representatives from industry. The theme of the event embraced the spirit of celebrating the SAOA’s 100-year anniversary underpinned by the slogan ‘A tradition of Excellence, the Force of the Future’.

The event began with iconic singer Vicky Sampson leading the singing of the national anthem. The Opening Ceremony thereafter encompassed the official Welcome Address by SAOA President, Nivien Subramany, followed by acknowledgment of all past SAOA presidents in attendance, all of whom were presented with a presidential pin, medal, and a copy of the SAOA ‘Tradition of Excellence Booklet.

The Ceremony included a tribute to all conference sponsors, preceded by a salute to industry legend, Hilly Goldberg who recently turned 102 years old. Congratulatory messages were presented by leaders of organisations relevant to South African professions of Optometry and Dispensing Opticianry which included the President of the World Council of Optometry, the President of the African Council of Optometry, the Chairperson of the Professional Board of Optometry and Dispensing Opticians, amongst others.

A moving keynote address was delivered by stalwart, Peter Brauer, entitled, ‘A walk Down Memory Lane’ which involved recognition of the youngest SAOA member, Priyanka Jugdeo, 22 years, and most senior SAOA member, Sidney Saks, 95 years who received a standing ovation. The Opening Ceremony closed with an inspirational rendition of the ‘African Dream’ by Vicky Sampson. There are very few dry eyes in the house.













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