Q&A: Low Vision Centre of Learning

In this Q&A we get to find out about the ground-breaking Low Vision Initiative – the Low Vison Centre of Learning


Tell us about the LVCOL 2024?


We started 2024 with our new look:

To recap how we began: After many years in the field of low vision Hazel Sacharowitz, Belinda Leibowitz and Karen Denton decided it was time to pool their knowledge in one easily accessible platform that could be shared with anyone interested in low vision – from professionals, to persons with low vision as well as the general public.

The website is aimed at involving the full multidisciplinary team and encompasses aspects that are relevant to all involved in Low Vision care. We have included Education, Resources, Information, and Courses (ERIC).

The website (www.LVCOL.org) offers a wide variety of choices such as Webinars – upcoming and previously presented, News items, Upcoming Events, Service Providers – such as Optometrists and Occupational Therapists offering low vision services, Suppliers of Low Vision Devices and Schools for the Visually Impaired all sorted by Province, International Links, Useful Apps and many more.

We continually update the site with new and interesting information so that users are encouraged to return to the site to update their knowledge in different areas.

What was the inspiration behind this initiative?

Realising that Low Vision facilities in South Africa are fragmented and often not even aware of each other and the contribution from others, Hazel, Belinda, and Karen met in around 2018 with the common aim of forming a single multidisciplinary entity that would provide a wide scope of relevant information for all people in the Low Vision World. Over the years we have networked with many National and International services and professionals but we never had one platform to share this information. In fact, even to this day, we are discovering new contacts and services that we share on the LVCOL website.

Who is involved with managing the website?

The web page was designed and created by Marlene Pretorius from Pygmy Design who has an amazing insight into the needs of the visually impaired and our need to share information. Contributions were made by us all but Belinda is involved in making sure we continually update information and news items. She also sources leading figures in a variety of aspects relating to low vision to present our popular Wednesday webinars. 

Who is it aimed at?

The site is aimed at professionals who deal with the challenges of visual impairment and those who are affected by loss of vision as well as anyone else with an interest in any aspect of the field of low vision. The aim is to make it a one-stop site for anyone and everyone wanting information in the field of low vision.
The website, also offers patients and families, access to resources for living with low vision so that they can empower themselves by doing their own research. This is a top-down and bottom-up approach in which the patients don’t have to wait for information to filter down to them but they can rather find out what is available for themselves and thus take a more active part in their journey of visual impairment.

Please tell us more about your webinars

We host approximately 2 to 3 webinars monthly. These are free of charge, including CPD points, if an attendee listens live as we have a sponsor for 2024. Recorded webinars are posted after the live event, and are also free to view unless an attendee requires CPD points (R150)
Prominent, well-known speakers are sourced from around the world. Registrations per webinar number between 400 – 500, from +-54 countries.

Do you have further plans for this year?

Most definitely. We are proud to announce that our Low Vision Conference is scheduled from 9th to 12th September.

Most of the content will be delivered by Prof Barstow and Prof Vice from the University of Alabama Birmingham, USA. Three days of presentations will be followed by a hands-on practical day.

The venue is the Balalaika Hotel in Johannesburg.

Check our website for registrations (www.LVCOL.org). The early bird offer is available until the 31st of May 2024

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