
By Karen Denton

What do you get when ophthalmologists, optometrists, GPs, Nurses, OTs, Orientation and Mobility
Instructors, Psychologists, Social Workers and Teachers meet to discuss Low Vision.

You may well ask? And the answer is exactly what we hoped for when we put together our Low
Vision Conference 2019.

Ideas were shared, discussed and debated. Knowledge found willing recipients. Networking and
friendships ensured that each participant left for home enriched and inspired.
So what was the key? Simple! Brilliant speakers who each encouraged interaction and participation.
But not only that … the diversity of topics had delegates thinking – yes, they often left their comfort
zones to think out of the box, look beyond their own disciplines and routines to embrace thoughts
that a few hours earlier may have sounded as though they originated from a different world – another planet



So the different topics created new patterns of thought, new approaches, and a greater
understanding for each delegate, with enhanced insights and a depth of learning not often achieved
in a two day conference.

You may well ask, ‘how did this come about?’ .

The answer lies with three professionals from vastly differing fields, and all three with a common
dream, and a united insight.

The dream? A simple one – to improve the lives of our patients!


And the insight? That to achieve our common goal we need a united, multidisciplinary, mutually
respected approach.

Too long have professionals worked in isolation – sometimes not even aware that colleagues exist
‘out there’ who can support, complement and better our practice.

So with the dream and the reality, the three set out to put their ideas and goals into practice.
The result? The Low Vision Centre of Learning was established. And in practice the three have
hosted two very successful and impactful international multidisciplinary conferences supplemented
by monthly meetings with interesting, diverse, stimulating presenters and plenty of networking.

If you would like more information about this burgeoning project please contact us at the Low Vision
Centre of Learning.






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