Waiting for September…

With its new communication campaign, SILMO, the Optical Fair, is marking a new milestone by highlighting its uniqueness (creativity, elegance, innovation) and asserting its influence around a symbolic referent: the world’s largest optics store. In the meantime, as we eagerly await the grand opening on 25 September 2015 and the developments that will accompany this “new” fair, we invite you to come and experience the SILMO ACADEMY programme, the scientific conference which, for 5 years now, has been bringing together highly qualified specialists and delivering scientific insights and advances on vision. It helps opticians and all professionals who so wish to gain an understanding of current research and thereby enrich their medical knowledge and initial training.

“VISUAL EFFICIENCY”, the optimisation of all available means to improve eyesight, is the theme chosen for this latest edition. It will be developed around three keynote lectures, two practical workshops and a poster exhibition.


Sunday 27 September from 10:00 am to 12:45 pm
What is efficiency? Which cognitive processes and parameters characterise it? What are its requirements for everyday practice and some specific activities?

Sunday 27 September from 15:00 pm to 18:00 pm
Experts, contactologists and retinal or anterior segment surgeons will discuss the innovative techniques of visual efficiency optimisation for children and long-sighted or visually impaired adults.

Monday 28 September from 10:00 am to 13:00 pm
The specific problems of long-sighted people made explicit by a number of case studies in order to propose a support methodology for your daily life.


Sunday 27 and Monday 28 September between 13:15 pm and 14:45 pm

Analysis of the visual efficiency of Near Vision: a presentation of the Proximeter method as an effective tool for exploring the efficiency of near vision.

Visual efficiency of Visually Impaired people, targeting the refraction of the visually impaired, an essential prerequisite for any rehabilitation care.


The exhibition of posters and written communications is presented at the entrance to the fair so that it is accessible to as many visitors as possible and is open to all professionals. People wishing submit their work, whatever the theme, can register before 15 June 2015 by sending the title of the poster to Silmoacademy@silmoparis.fr.

The prize for the best poster will be awarded by the conference participants who can give their opinion by taking part in the proposed vote throughout the conference.

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